OneLoan helps you breathe a little easier. Combine your multiple debts into one easy to manage loan.

OneLoan merges your multiple debts into 1 financially freeing lending solution. 1 payment, 1 rate and 1 end date in sight.

OneLoan brings surplus back into your regular and ongoing budget, to effect change and enable better choices.

OneLoan lets you breathe, and have time to grow better understanding of your own needs, goals, and financial aspirations.

A OneLoan consolidation loan is a credit product provided through careful attention to detail. Your detail.
We handle your application with respect and ask the questions required to legally and responsibly provide you a timely outcome that ensures any solution is affordable and right for your needs and requirement – no more, and no less.
Our professional team are dedicated to looking at your individual situation, assessing solutions that are right for you and your needs, and then presenting those options to you quickly, clearly, and transparently.
We guide you through the details until you are 100% satisfied, and then complete the paper trail so everything is completed, all your other included debts are settled and you can move forward with a rejuvenated budget.
A OneLoan loan is not the end of the road, it’s the first step towards obtaining financial freedom. We’re in for the long haul together and our team take this responsibility very seriously.
We provide regular updates on how your OneLoan account is progressing and this helps you keep an eye on your reducing balance. The goal is not 0 finance, it’s 0 need for finance. It’s electing to use finance and credit products because it’s the right option for you, not because it’s the only option for you.
Throughout your loan we provide you with useful updates with information about how to strengthen your financial position and capabilities, and also relevant insights about how others may be saving money and making sound financial decisions about their futures.

OneLoan is here to change your life for good, forever.
We know changing habits can be so difficult, but we can help set you on the right path, and we keep checking in to make sure you’re sticking to the game plan. If you have fallen off the wagon, we’ll pick you up and set you straight again.
Once you have begun to develop good financial habits you may decide you don’t have a further need to finance. If however you do have a need, our OneLoan team remain dedicated to helping find the right solution for you, every time.
Contact Us
Our specialist team is here to explain what we do and how we do it, learn about your needs and requirements and then get stuck into finding the best solution to your individual situation as quickly as possible.
Our services are highly tailored and we often have to ask personal questions to fully understand your situation and finances. We treat you and your private information with respect, fairness and integrity at all times.